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MOTIVE' presents trendy and modern shoes, and it is oriented towards consumers who want to match quality with exclusive and fashion contents.

MOTIVE' is characterized from a handicraft production , working accuracy and creativity that allow Clients to be sure of a final quality product.

The high specialization that is contemplated entirely to the product, and the handicraft character of the Firm allow him to have extremely competitive prices also using leather and accessory of high quality.

MOTIVE' in fact , uses leather of the principal italian tanneries and accessories suitable for the product, it work with heels and wedges of height 40-55-70-75

Here you see a small example of the prodution of MOTIVE' shoes, and the prices TO THE PUBLIC goes from 65 US$ to 90 US$.

Contact us for further information on the Firm and his distribution.

Thank you.

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Motive' produce Calzature moderne dove il cliente puo' trovare un'ottimo rapporto prezzo-qualita'.

Motive' e' caratterizzata da una produzione artigianale tipica della zona del Brenta, rinomata in tutta Italia per l'alta specializzazione delle sue maestranze.

Motive' lavora con le principali concerie Italiane e fornitori di accessori sempre al passo con i tempi.

Qui potete trovare un piccolo esempio della produzione di Motive' , il prezzo AL PUBBLICO va' da un minimo di 125.000 ad un massimo di 170.000

Contattateci (senza alcun obbligo da parte Vostra) per ulteriori informazioni.
